Friday, October 8, 2010

Do Disney World Crowds - Dad's Top 5 Tips

Do Walt Disney World crowd is a tough job. If you take a little 'homework, it becomes easier. Here are Dad's Top 5 Disney World tips to avoid the crowds at Disney.

Number One Dad's Tip -

You have to be early - come late risers out of bed. Mickey awarded early bird with short lines and uncrowded streets. The first hour of every day is less involved in all the Disney parks.

In the morning guests keep coming and the crowd continuesbuilt in the late afternoon or early evening. The crowds thin out a little early as the evening progresses. For example, the line for Space Mountain first thing in the morning 10 minutes or less. reach noon most days, the line more than an hour can.

Someone said to me: "The early bird gets the worm." I do not think about worms, but the bird first in the world of Disney Parks, almost by themselves.

Number two -

ExtraMagic Hours - If you live in a Disney Resort to benefit from Disney's Extra Magic Hours. This is the program that allows Disney Resort guests have access to the parks an hour before the published or until three hours after the park officially closed. This can really help to avoid long lines at popular attractions.

Every day one of the parks, including the water park, part Extra Magic Hours. Disney is a start or hold too late and the trippopular rides in the park.

Number Three -

Knowing when to use Fast Pass. A few years ago Disney launched a program to reduce the length of time waiting for a customer in the queue. It's called Fast Pass. This program allows you to bypass the ticket holder of long lines of people through an alternative entrance.

There are currently no Fast Pass to save time or return time conflict with other plans you might have. If the line "waiting" in Fast Pass attraction (itEveryone has a waiting line clock shows the time) has a waiting time of 30 minutes, a ticket probably will not save any time. Go on and go, or get a ticket, take the tour and go back and continue later.

Fast Pass for all guests and the park is the best part ...

It's free.

Number Four -

Select the time of year to visit a slower - there are several months to Walt Disney World crowds are smaller.Typically, these many months or school holidays. For example, in mid-January to late February, and again in late August to Thanksgiving. In these times, the crowds are smaller, the pace is slower in the parks and restaurants are available.

Another advantage of the visit this time of year that Disney usually offers a special, lower prices.

Number Five -

Have a plan - you can save time and avoidDisney crowd, if you know where to go and have a plan to maintain the parks. In other words, do your homework. (If you read this, this is probably what you do.)

Decide early where you're going to eat and plan your day around your own meals. You can make restaurant reservations for Advanced Food 90 days prior to arrival to most of Disney World.

Your family can be great fun planning a Disney World vacation together.

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