Wednesday, October 20, 2010

7 tips for enjoying a magical Disney World Vacation

Many children have an important wish and desire, and this world is to visit Disney. If this holiday wonderland as a child or adult experience, there are several things you can do that to maximize the costs and minimize the fun. Let's find a way to work a little 'magic.

1. Protect your health while traveling in Florida. Disney World is located in the Sunshine State, then you can expect to have to fight with a lot of sun,harmful rays of the sun and hot (I mean hot) weather. Make sure you pack your sunscreen, sunglasses, hat. And if you're there, be sure to drink plenty of water. In terms of health, there are other concerns as well as motion sickness. If you or your child suffers from motion sickness, just say "no" to rides Wilder.

2. Beware of Madness souvenir. Even the most frugal of Disney souvenirs to buy mate, to remind him to leave after his Disneyback home. But it is easy to get carried away and go overboard. We recommend you in advance to arrange a family budget for souvenirs, and then be sure to stay there. Get the children involved, so that they know in advance what the limits and intended to remain in the family budget.

3. Minimize snacking in the park. The quickest way to blow your budget buying buy snacks on site. The cost of popcorn and ice rocket Once youparks. To avoid spending unnecessary money on-site snack, try to buy your snacks in advance and to take a course before entering the park. Once all the time for "snack" agree, just enjoy all the rides until the "Snack Time" is and then head out for a quick snack.

4. Stick to non-Disney hotels. Staying off-site, you can reduce the costs of accommodation. In addition to saving hotel costs, you can save in off-siteFood, which also includes a breakfast and lunch. This can create up to huge savings.

5. Avoid major holidays. That may be logical, but must be explicitly mentioned. The high peak season, when Disney is busiest from Christmas to New Year and spring breaks and Easter weekend. If possible, try to avoid Disney at that time. On the other hand is the best time to visit Disneyland after Thanksgiving weekend untilChristmas, the second week of January, in the first half of February or the week after Easter until early June. With a little bit 'of planning on your part, the lines used for so long, after all.

6. Get the park soon. You may be surprised to know that the theme park about 30 minutes to open the first time the "official" opening. This means that if you come to the park about an hour before the official opening, has a big advantage over other visitors. Yoube able to enjoy four rounds in about an hour if you get a head start. The same four trips may require arriving three hours "waiting period" if later.

7. Plan plan plan! The best way to really enjoy Disney World and get the best value for money is to see, plan, do what you want, e. The less time you spend waiting in line or trying to figure out what to do next, the more fun you will have the value and the more you get for yourMoney!

Therefore, use these 7 secrets easily and get ready to enjoy a holiday with a "magic"!

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